Endless Miles Twixt Cock and Cunt
It’s one of Newton’s laws (the third of you want specifics) that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Ok so normally this is used when designing rockets (shooting fumes backwards makes rocket go forwards… see, o really earned my degree!) but I feel like this is one of those things that’s true in more ways than people realise.
Take sexting. Or rather my favourite subset, sensing teasing/arousing messages to someone who’s powerless to do anything to relieve their horniness. Their predicament can arise from a few options including circumstance (“oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realise that you were out for dinner/in a meeting/on a protest march”) or the ever delightful mutually agreed torment (“but you know deep down that you want this, that’s why you asked me to do this to you”). The common thread being the idea that while you’re lazily basking in hedonistic glee, they are reduced to a distracted ball of embarrassed frustration.
Except it’s rarely so easy. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt frustration the way I have when I’m teasing someone. When a conversation ends and I’m left with a rock hard cock that’s been straining for release for hours. Post teasing wanks have produced some of the most powerful orgasms I’ve experienced. But it’s not the same, it’s not the firm, solid physicality that I’m longing for at times like that.
And I also feel compelled to tell them. Yes there’s logical reasons to tell them, knowing that their suffering is bringing pleasure is a big part of submission for so many people, but it’s more than that. Maybe it’s just a universal law of balance of that means I can’t not let them know. A law that demands my satisfaction and frustration balance out theirs.
Or maybe I just like telling people that I’m turned on?
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