Reunion : Sinful Sunday

“The weight of memory bears me down,
I’d swap it for a woodland crown,
and live in an eternal now”

They lie to us you know, the standard narratives. The myriad of stories that urge us to never look back, that say that the past is complicated and difficult and doomed to confusion and bitterness.

They don’t tell you of the joy it can bring, of the simplicity and connection hindsight and experience can offer. That doesn’t make for conflict, that doesn’t make for good story telling. So this is one of those stories you won’t hear, the kind where people realise that what united the was always stronger than what divided them. That sometimes reconnecting just flows, and people are every bit as wonderful as you remember; and you can get lost in the now.

Because fuck their stories; this is ours.

Thanks to the wonderful Wriggly Kitty; you are more amazing than you realise! Their take on this scene can be found here.

Thank you also to Monika, We both felt so incredibly safe sharing this space with you and your photos have just lit me up inside, thank you 🙂

Sinful Sunday