Book Review: The Yellow Room by Anne Onimous

The Yellow Room is in the public domain and available via amongst other places.

The Yellow Room is a piece of ‘classic’ Victorian spanking erotica. And let me be quite clear, I don’t mean that this is spanking erotica set in the Victorian period, but actual filth written by an actual Victorian in a (then) contemporary setting. I feel the need to assert this quite strongly at the fore because I found myself doubting this several times during the reading, although to the best of my research abilities (Google lets me down a little) it is definitely a period piece.

The reason why I’m so surprised by this is probably one of the biggest bits of praise I can give this story in that it is superbly written and utterly, gloriously filthy. The writer doesn’t give in to the temptation of the time to hide everything behind mountains of adverbs and paragraph long sentences (Dickens, I’m looking at you!), but in a stripped down style that, nevertheless, carries with it enough of a sense of place and flavour to really rank it alongside the best modern Victoriana erotica.

The other big plus point is that it is gloriously, unashamedly, filthy! I shall resist the urge to go into a blow-by-blow of the acts depicted but it doesn’t shy away from watersports, severe corporal punishment, and of course lots of sex. It also includes a slightly surreal obsession with hymens in common with other contemporary pieces such as Fanny Hill.

An utterly delightful story (novella I think although e-readers make it hard to judge) and well worth a look. Highly recommended.